How to make coffee, camp style.

How to make coffee, camp style.

Picture it:

It's the day before opening day of rifle season in the U.P. 

You have been making quick trips up to camp for weeks, clearing the road, baiting your blind, checking your trail cam for the big buck that you are long overdue for. This is your year. 

You've taken the day off from work to stock the coolers, pack up the truck, picking up a few extra bundles of firewood for good measure. You bid your family farewell for the next few days because you are going off the grid, totally unplugged and unbothered by the hustle and bustle of the modern world. 

You arrive at camp, kill the ignition and step outside to breathe in what seems like the purest air in the world, and as you exhale, all cares fall away. You go inside to turn on the wood stove before unloading -- she's gonna be a cold one tonight. Speaking of cold one, you might as well crack one now because at camp, it doesn't matter what time it is. There is no time but the present.

The rest of the guys arrive before nightfall, and you're manning a grill full of steaks and potatoes while your buddies play cards at the table, anxiously awaiting the first supper at camp. Before going in with the perfectly cooked steaks, you throw a palette onto the fire - nature's dishwasher.

After dinner everyone puts on their Carhartt jackets and hats and gathers around the fire. You all go around sharing the same old stories, each one as if it was being told for the first time, laughing just as hard as you did all those years ago when it actually was the first time. 

You turn in early. You want to be at your blind before first light. As you close your eyes you can see that buck crossing your scope...

You're the first to wake which means you are on coffee duty and this year, the guys are in for a treat because you brought coffee from Campfire Coffee Co. As the coffee prepares, you get dressed and soon, the percolator starts to bubble. The perking sound wakes everyone up, the official camp alarm clock, and you pour yourself a cup before heading out. One sip of the Firestarter Blend brings you back to your first hunting season, when Grandpa brought you to his blind and got a 12-pointer. You remember it like it was yesterday, and the next sip brings you back to today. You look at the framed photo of you, Grandpa, and Buckaroo above the wood stove and mutter to yourself, "This is my year, Gramps."


You'll need:


-Well Water or Jug Water

-Your favorite Campfire Coffee Co. Blend

-Your favorite camp coffee mug

-Percolator Filters (optional)

Camp Stove Method:

  1. Fill the percolator with cold water. 
  2. Optional - add a percolator filter to the basket.
  3. Fill the coffee basket with your grounds, about 1 heaping spoonful per cup of water should do the trick.
  4. Secure the stem and coffee basket in the percolator and screw the basket lid on.
  5. Place the percolator on the camp stove and turn the burner up to to LOW/MEDIUM. Slow heating prevents burning coffee.
  6. Watch for bubbles in the glass top of the percolator. The bubbles should be a few seconds apart. If it's constant, your water is too hot and you need to turn the heat down a bit.
  7. Once the clear bubbles turn coffee colored, you're minutes away from the perfect cup of camp coffee! Set a timer for 10 minutes.
  8. Remove the percolator from the heat with an oven mit or wooden spoon.
  9. Remove the basket/coffee grounds from the percolator and replace the lid.
  10. Pour and enjoy. You've earned it!

Campfire Method:

To prepare coffee over the campfire with a percolator, the method is literally the same as the Camp Stove Method - just over the fire!

Tip: When it starts to boil, bring the percolator closer to the outer edge of the fire. 

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